A downloadable game

The birds are acting weird again. Cale just wants to stop these nightmares. Em likes to take care of him.

This place is collapsing. 

Warning: The content of this game includes description, mention and images that may not be suitable for all audiences. Proceed with caution.

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsHorror, My First Game Jam, Mystery, Ren'Py


ThebirdsbeginactingstrangelyThebirdsbeginactingstrangely-1.0-pc.zip 100 MB

Development log


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Olá! Você mandou esse jogo pro grupo da faculdade faz um tempinho já e eu prometi que ia jogar, mas eu só lembrei hoje. Enfim, eu gostei pra caramba dele. A história é sombria que a arte é muito legal. Vou com certeza olhar os seus outros jogos quando puder.

Hey, obg! Fico feliz que tenha gostado!


Loved the game liked the neon colors along with the art style like the different looks through the characters that gives a nice different tone while you play ending was nice and the name of the game was a very interesting choice.

Overall really enjoyed the game I recommend it. 

Good Job with the game :)

Thankyou! I'm happy to know you liked!


This game is amazing, how much creativity for the narrative and characters! I will be waiting for more. Congratulations! ✨

Thankyou <3 

You're so nice man


Nice Game, loved the artwork with the monster. It looked great in the neon colours. You did really make the game feel unsettling, especially with sicking that black slime into the food, it comes of really creepy.

The name of the game really made me think of the Milk inside a bag of milk inside of a bag of milk, honestly I was not disappointed.

I really like the swapping of perspectives through the game, it really changed the tone of the game just seeing how the characters responded to Cale vs how they acted around Em.

Good job on the game! Also I'm not sure if there was supposed to be multiple endings, but both choices in who to feed resulted in ending 1.

(1 edit)

Omg, thankyou so much! I'm so happy to know you liked! 

Atm there's only one ending available but im working on a second one. Thankyou for the video, it means a lot to me!

Also, the name of the game is inspired by Milk inside a bag of milk inside of a bag of milk but is the sentence that gave me the idea of the whole game.